IT is evident that Miss Holden does not observe the requirements of Blackpool's caring Council who naturally require people to put out bin bags for collection by the very capable collection service prior to collection not the day before.

This, at least, would prevent Denis from having undisturbed access to unwrapped used cat litter.

Again relatively if the half dozen over employed environmental inspectors carried out their duties in the above context would Denis have access to litter in the first place?

Certainly in Layton dog dirt proliferates in the alleyways even though the council provides a regular sweeping service.

Locally, a pile of rubbish deposited before Christmas 2002, with photographs sent to the local councillor, have been ignored, though even if it was accessible to Denis it does not fall within the limits of his obsessive mania he would find solid waste from space difficult to carry?

C J Thomas

Elm Ave
