A COUPLE who recently moved into a terrace house are seeking the owner of a 20th century document.

Janet Sayner, 51, of Deerstone Avenue, Burnley, said she found a confirmation certificate dating back to April 1, 1928, in the loft.

Alongside the certificate was a set of slides from the 1960s, showing youngsters at the seaside.

She is keen to trace the man named in the certificate as Ronald Hannon, who was confirmed at St Alban's Catholic Church.

Janet, a voluntary worker at Burnley Hospital Radio, and her disabled husband Michael, 60, have spoken to neighbours and even traced the previous owner of the house but still can't identify the owner.

Janet said: "The previous owner had lived in this house for about ten years but she didn't know anything about the certificate or photos. Treasures like these are something that you can never replace.

"I know I would appreciate it if somebody made the effort to help me get something like this back.

"I don't want to throw them out because it would be like erasing part of somebody's past."

According to Burnley historian and Lancashire Evening Telegraph columnist James Howell, St Alban's, the church where Ronald Hannon was confirmed changed it's name to St Catherine's in 1986.

Mr Howell added: "It was sometimes referred to as St Alban's after that time but many people knew it as St Catherine's.

"It may help to spark somebody's memory if they know what it is called now."

If anybody knows Mr Hannon or any of his family they should contact Janet or Michael on 01282 455980.