REGARDING the withdrawal of the mid-day Outer Circle bus service 5A-5C, which is a vital link to Blackburn Infirmary, the Hospice and Queen's Park Hospital, it is essential this service is maintained, albeit with a reduced timetable.

But patients and visitors must not be penalised for the economic circumstances of the route.

Why not allocate one bus at 2pm from the Intack depot to travel in an anti-clockwise direction on Track 5A picking up patients and visitors in the usual manner and returning from Intack at 4pm in a clockwise direction on Track 5C, thereby completing a full circle service?

This service could operate every day, Monday to Friday and one bus doing two hours work will, surely, not break the bank.

The council provides a daily service to Pleasington Cemetery leaving the Boulevard at 2pm and returning at 3.05pm. This service is provided for family and friends to pay their respects.

Why can't we have the same conditions for the hospitals?

Hyndburn Council provides a one-off service to the Blackburn hospital. Why can't Blackburn do likewise?

KEN ATKINSON, Selous Road, Blackburn.