IT seems that developers Richardson's Projects, having appealed against the planning department's quite proper rejection of their application to build three-storey flats on the last parking space in Hollins, have not only appealed but made a second application!

Their application describes the planned flats, on land next to the post office, as "bringing a focal point". They would indeed. Imagine what is coming: a looming monstrosity, dwarfing what was once a pleasant village. It will destroy the view of lovely trees with the golf course beyond, and will remove the parking spaces upon which the post office depends to attract passing trade.

We, in turn, would lose our post office, and Hollins Lane, which is already at saturation point with parked cars and heavy traffic, would face an influx of new residents' cars.

The developer's attempt to by-pass local authority rulings appears to residents here to be both greedy and lazy. We understand that there are other brownfield sites around Bury which are far more suitable and where character and property values would not be affected. Building has already started behind Howards Hill and we say that this should be enough.

Objectors can write to Bury North MP David Chaytor MP at the House of Commons, Westminster, London SW1A OAA, or contact Bury MBC's planning department at Craig House on 0161 253 5290, or local councillors. There is no time to lose; when commercial interests are at stake, community interests can be over-ruled unless vigorously protected.


Melton Drive,

Hollins, Bury.