IT is a sad fact that barriers between the ethnic communities in East Lancashire still exist despite our region having developed as a multi-cultural society for two generations now.

But if ever there was a good advertisement for greater understanding and communication across the racial, cultural and religious divides, was it not given by the three Muslim police officers from East Lancashire who were the subject of last night's TV documentary about how people with strong beliefs balance their religious and working lives?

They were frank, articulate and clearly dedicated to being good police officers as well as good Muslims -- just the sort that our police forces need more of.

And that is not just for the police service to better reflect the ethnic balance of the society it serves, but for them to be at the forefront of breaking down the barriers between the different communities.

For, just as the aftermath of the riots in Burnley two years ago revealed, lack of communication and mixing creates misunderstanding and mistrust -- and more Asian police officers like those we saw on TV last night would be a major step to removing the obstacles to harmony.