I PASSED through Church Street, in Blackburn the other day and I remembered that this was once the Number One street in the town.

Now, on the left-hand side, are the Pavilions, all scaffolded and covered by hoardings.

I have never known such care taken over decay, rot and ruin as has been taken with these buildings.

Although a grant has been secured for this renovation scheme, the onus of maintenance and upkeep will still fall on the shoulders of council tax payers.

This set-up of the Pavilions will never be a feasible runner. We never have got the crowds to gather in Church Street.

The councillors who voted this package in should call it a day. All we have been seeing is farce from the start.

As for the 'amusement' section, for months now the novelties have laid untouched and they look very neglected.

Is the town hall at the appropriate time going to lead off with a Disney-type spectacular in Church Street so the councillors can pursue their megalomaniac activities?

JOHN SHORROCK, Marlton Road, Blackburn.