REGARDING your article (LET, September 20) about householders in Hyndburn being taken to court for putting their rubbish out when it suits then, I am one of many council tax payers who are hacked off with the lame excuses these people offer for their behaviour.

It is unnecessary when you consider a phone call could easily help anyone who is either elderly or infirm. If -- like my mother who has had two hip replacements -- you contact the council and explain your situation they will arrange for a member of the collection crew to come and remove your refuse from your yard as long as your gate is unlocked on the collection day.

I have no sympathy for the offenders. I think they got off lightly, considering the public health problems attached to this behaviour.

Next time they should be ordered to clean up the alleyways after the dogs and cats have ripped their bin bags open and strewn a mess around.

THOMAS BENNETT, Charter Street, Accrington.