THE friends and family of care home campaigner Norman Hickey have vowed to send him off in style when his funeral takes place on Wednesday.

Two black horses will pull a carriage bearing his coffin around some of his favourite spots around the town.

The cortege will leave Birtwistles, in Queen Street, Great Harwood at 12.40pm and will travel down and back up Queen Street to Church Street and on to St Bartholomew's Church, in Park Lane, for service at 1pm.

The church service will be followed by cremation at Accrington Crematorium, in Burnley Road, Accrington at 2.20pm.

Donations can be made to Birtwistles Funeral Parlour and proceeds will go towards a bench which will probably be placed near or around the war memorial area in Memorial Park.

Norman died last week following the closure of Northlands care home in Park Lane, Great Harwood, where his wife Phoebe was a resident until her death in April.

Friends say Norman, a Hyndburn Action Committee member opposed to care home closures, died of a broken heart after seeing Northlands shutdown