THE new boss of a Burnley pub says he is detemined to make a go of the role after spending years as a relief manager in the Midlands.

Kevin Arnold has settled into the Brunshaw Hotel, Brunshaw Road, with his partner, Nancy, after the pair decided Burnley was for them.

Kevin, whose first job in the licensing trade was running a nightclub in Stoke-on-Trent, said the job as relief manager attracted him because he was regularly mixing with different types of people and facing different situations every day.

He and Nancy were due to be working at the Brunshaw for only two weeks to fill in the gap between former licensees leaving and new ones taking over.

But they were offered the job on a full-time basis when the people due to take over changed their minds. By that time, Nancy had decided that Burnley and the Brunshaw were for them.

Kevin said: "It took me another week to be sure, but I am very glad we took the job. The people seem really friendly and I think the place has a lot of potential."

Nancy, who has worked with Kevin in his last four pubs in the Midlands, said she was planning to put on simple pub grub, and both of them said they were delighted they had been offered the Brunshaw.