FURTHER to the letter from Adrienne Wojtowicz of Morecambe last week, I would like to ask what planet is she on?

I must point out that some cats don't bury their faeces - they constantly come into my garden and leave deposits all over my lawn. She is quite welcome to call at any time as a responsible cat owner and clean it up.

Also, if she thinks that it is acceptable for cats to bury their faeces I would like to point out that it is not. Nothing is more revolting when planting up the borders to come across cat faeces crawling with maggots.

I would suggest Adrienne has never come across this as it is well known that cats don't use their owners gardens as toilets they use their neighbours. All the dog owners around me clean up after their animals, I have yet to see a cat owner do this.

Mike Crabtree (Morecambe)