ONCE upon a time British politics inspired people to participate in the electoral process. That was before the age of sleaze, spin and sound bites.

Now when personal and political freedom is under attack on so many fronts, it is more important than ever for the political class to ensure that voters are engaged. Yet instead, we see declining turnout and widespread apathy.

Political correctness is rampant throughout the media and at Westminster. Some issues are simply ignored completely while others are subject to a political consensus which conspires to deny the electorate choice or an alternative vision.

Take for example the issue of compulsory Identity cards. The Freedom Association has been vocal in its criticism of the Home Secretary's proposals, which not only infringe civil liberties but will prove an expensive, bureau-cratic failure.

Meanwhile our political freedom is threatened by the proposed EU constitution which the Prime Minister wishes to push through without a referendum.

The Freedom Association will continue to challenge political correctness and stimulate debate on those issues which threaten our hard won liberties.

Philip J. Duly, The Freedom Association.