THE devastating effect of the erection of massive wind turbines on Scout Moor and adjacent moors will be overwhelming.

United Utilities and Peel Holdings have applied to erect 26 of these grotesque moving structures which will be 327ft high: two-and-a-half times higher than Peel Tower.

Peel Tower is visible from almost all of the surrounding areas and is a proud landmark. Imagine 26 structures of such magnitude.

A recent article headlined "Mast on moors hit by vandals" suggested that these turbines would supply electricity to homes in Rossendale and Rochdale. In fact, the inconsistent electricity will be fed into the National Grid at a great profit to United Utilities and Peel Holdings.

These turbines only produce electricity for 30 per cent of the time and half of this will be at night when industry is closed down and the electricity is not required. This method of supply is not reliable (no wind, no electricity) and not one conventional power station has been closed because of their existence.

Many people in the borough are not fully aware of this horrific proposal. They should be told . . .

The position of each of the turbines,

the visual effect of these on the current beautiful landscape -- shown by say, an artistic impression, not supplied by United Utilities or Peel Holdings,

a diagram comparing their size with, for example, Peel Tower, wind turbines in Cornwall which are much smaller, Blackpool Tower, the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben.

Our environment has never before been so threatened. The place for these turbines is out at sea and not where they will ruin the landscape, the peat moors and the lives of so many people: and all for the sake of companies making money.

