YOUR correspondent B Smith (LET November 24) inadvertently drew attention to the drawback of the Identity Card. Even though with the aid of his driving licence he was able to prove who he was it still did not prove that he had changed his address.

If he had produced a certified ID card he would still have been asked to produce further proof of his address.

The real reason that thinking people are concerned about compulsory identity cards is the potential misuse that can be made of the information they may contain.

Given the current amount of mis-filing of information that goes on, people might be surprised at some of the information currently stored against their name.

There are many potential abuses that future governments may make of the information contained on a card. For example, DNA details will make it easier to track down 'willing' donors for organ transplants etc.

Also, greater powers are to be given to private security companies. Think of the potential that some of the more unscrupulous will see in having access to this information.

Actually, the real reason for identity cards lies in the EU regulations. Free travel between countries is one of its flagship policies and identity cards are necessary to facilitate this.

L LAWES, Bold Street, Blackburn.