LADIES and Gentlemen, the world is indeed a safer a place to live in. I for one feel so much better as does everyone else I've met in the past week. Everyone is just so relieved and there is a sense of purpose now as we approach the holidays.

At last they found Saddam AND the weapons of mass destruction he has been hiding from the world for 13 years.

I ask you, what is the world coming to?

All that fuss and anguish over two AK 47s and a pistol. Was it really worth the effort or could we have just got him to post them out? And to think he had them on him all that time. Some people will never be satisfied.

And to rub salt into Saddam's wounds he is now being interrogated by his 'old buddies' from the CIA. You can just imagine the first words when he meets those familiar faces again.

'Hey, how's it going? Long time no see. Listen, I've only got $750,000 on me. Do you still have any of those chemical weapons left or have you sold them to someone else.'

I guess it all comes full circle in the end and we can sit back, relax and watch the Hollywood endings unfold over and over again on our TV screens.

The chances are that in a couple of years' time we'll see the whole thing take place again.

This time with Arnie dishing out the justice. Now that would make for good viewing. Then again no, he was rubbish after the Predator.

And so from the desert heat to the frosty streets of Lancashire. 'It's a bit chilly for the time of year' a friend of mine said to me recently.

Of course it is, it's December.

Now there's cold and there's 'I don't feel like getting up in the morning' kind of cold.

The term 'it's a bit chilly' doesn't do the recent weather justice.

What's been surprising though has been the number of people walking around as if it's the middle of summer.

No scarves, no gloves and no big duffle jackets. It's just not cold enough, you see.

There's nothing wrong with being a bit fashionable but what's wrong with wearing the full gear, including the long Johns (not that I don't usually don the Shalwar Kameez underneath when it reaches freezing point just like brother Mighty.)