LEIGH developer Orford Investments has completed its latest high-spec building on the Leigh Commerce Park.

Offering a mix of air-conditioned offices and storage space, the 8,000 sq ft unit is the fourth building to be completed on the Orford Court part of the Commerce Park.

The building has been let to Grundfos Pumps Ltd to service their North-West operations.

Work is now well underway on a 12,000 sq ft handling and distribution centre which has already been pre-let.

Orford Investments has been in existence for four years now, having grown out of a building company run by Trevor Lloyd and his father, both Leigh born and bred.

"As a businessman I am delighted at the success of the Commerce Park, and as a Leigh resident I am pleased to be attracting national companies and the accompanying jobs to the area, and getting a couple of firms from Warrington!" said Mr Lloyd.

With work about to start on a 16,5000 sq ft office block and plans in the pipeline for two more, the five acre Commerce Park site is now 60 per cent complete.