A POULTON man will be spending Christmas in Bethlehem this year -- and hopes to help peace break out in the troubled town.

Ian Hodgson, 24, is travelling to the occupied territories of Palestine in a bid to see for himself the region's problems as well as helping projects which could lead to a brighter future.

The former Baines School pupil, now a part-time teacher, flew to Israel this week and will have to negotiate his way past army checkpoints to reach his destination.

As well as spending Christmas Day in Bethlehem, Ian will spend time at a peace centre in Gaza which encourages Palestinian children to communicate with their Israeli counterparts over the internet.

"I want to see for myself what is happening, talk to the people living out there and find out for myself what is going on," said Ian before his departure.

"I want to try and see something positive with the next generation, rather than the negative images often seen in the newspapers."

Ian became involved in the peace movement after joining protests against the war on Iraq, including marches in London and the demonstration against President Bush earlier this year.

Learning more about the situation in the Middle East encouraged him to get involved in the peace movement.

"I knew a bit about it, but never really did anything about it," added Ian: "It's the difference between being politically aware and politically active."

Ian intends to report back on what he sees in the New Year.