VIRTUALLY all dentists throughout the country are leaving the NHS and going private. It is now difficult to find an NHS dentist.

Patients will either have to take out a plan with an insurance company and pay monthly by direct debit, or pay for treatment each time they go to the dentist.

Typical charges are £25 for a check up. A scale and polish will cost around £25, an extraction could cost £45, a root filling from £100, a crown from £250 and dentures for around £550.

The elderly, disabled and those on a low income could find the charges horrendous.

Children will still get free treatment, but will have to pay when they reach a certain age.

Once again, progress has taken a backward step and we could again become a nation of people with rotten teeth.

It is outrageous that a so-called 'caring' Labour government has allowed this to happen.

A BAKER (Mr), Blackburn Road, Darwen.