I am a married 24-year-old man. I have never written to you before but I don't know who to turn to.

I have serious gambling problem and I feel I am unable to talk to my wife it.

I feel she may get really upset and may not fully understand.

I have run up huge debts and I find myself hiding my bank statements when they arrive.

Gambling has taken over my life and sometimes I have sneaked out of the home and found places where there are slot machines.

I love placing bets and have lost over £4,000 through my habit. I think it has got worse over the past year. Who can I turn to?

JJ Preston


Surprisingly this is one of few letters I have received concerning the issue of gambling from someone who does it themselves. Usually it is the case of relatives getting in touch to tell me how their relative is a gambling addict.

You on the other hand are able to admit that you have a problem and how it is getting out of hand. This is a good sign you have made the hardest step.the first one. My advice for you is to get in touch with Gamblers Anonymous and they should be more than willing to help you.

I wish you the best of luck. I also think you should at some stage sit down and talk to your wife. The longer you leave the more upset she is going to be. You cannot continue to live a lie.