HAVING followed the latest debacle by Bury Council regarding the future of the former Brand Centre in Whitefield I feel it is time some questions were asked.

It would appear that the priority now is to kill time and drag the whole farce on until the elections are over, allowing the voters to wrongly believe that the council are working towards approval of the Dransfield plan and the Morrison's supermarket.

The council's delaying tactics and obstacles are clearly to demoralise Dransfield in the hope that they will pull out of negotiations, leaving the way clear for the McLean Homes' proposal and the higher rates it will generate for the council.

Why did the council originally opt for McLean Homes before the open forum was held to examine public opinion? Was the McLean proposal so good that it did not require any further discussion?

Why is such an issue which is so important to the long-term future of Whitefield being, in my view, trivialised by allowing the Area Board to conduct the meeting, and not the full council or planning committee?

What is in it for the council if they allow McLean Homes to go ahead with their proposals? We read week in, week out, about residents' opposition to this proposal. Surely this council will not be foolish enough to think they can decide what is best for them.