I HOPE no-one was taken in by the letter from Chris Davies MEP, mis-selling the EU Constitution (Citizen, April 8).

Signing up to the EU Constitution would complete the emasculation of Britain which has been taking place, insidiously, since 1990.

There should have been a referendum at the time of 'Maastricht' to prevent John Major tricking us into the long surrender.

Now our 'new unhappy Lords', as Chesterton called them, mean to complete the shame of selling Britain down the river, and, worst of all, not troubling to take account of people's wishes.

What really drives the Labour and Lib-Dem politicians now is their lust for personal political power and not the well-being of the British people, who are being treated like impotent vassals.

Already we hear of the squalid jockeying between Blair, Brown, Cook, Mandleson, Hoon and many others to get their hands on the levers of power - and the fabulous perks that go with them - of the new superstate in the making.

It need not happen. The electorate has the power to see off these chancers and reclaim Britain's independence as a proudly sovereign nation state.

Dr J Findlater, Silverdale.