IT USED to be that local people had a say in local planning and development matters - but things have changed dramatically in the last few weeks.

It used to be that people were elected to local council chambers where plans submitted were examined and considered before a yeah or nay decision.

But in recent years more decisions have been delegated to planners in the back office, until 43 per cent are done that way.

Now, a directive from The Office of the Deputy Prime Minster has ruled that 90 per cent must be delegated.

Planners have to work according to a book of regulations sent to them by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, which demands greater and greater intensification - even demanding that flood plains and all rows of long back gardens must have housing built on them. This is disgusting, autocratic intrusive and absolutely unnecessary.

It will soon be the case that all homes will have back gardens so small that no child can take a good kick at a football without it hitting a neighbour's house. Does Prescott hate footballers so much?

This makes life in urban Britain oppressive and demeaning - and the resultant increase in clinical depression in not being provided for by the NHS.

Have we abolished battery hens in favour of battery people?

Sue Doughty, Woodley.