I WAS heartened to read that Nancy Steele (Letters, April 16) was willing to join "low paid" cleaners from Fairfield Hospital on the picket line.

I have no doubt they have a justifiable grievance, and I wish them well, though being backed by their trade union is their only hope of being taken seriously by management.

Whilst their hourly pay may be lower than in Bolton hospitals, it should be remembered that these are two separate employers who can set differing rates. This is because of Tory attempts to break-up the NHS, and nonsense about internal markets and the like.

It should also be acknowledged that, without Labour's National Minimum Wage, the pay of such workers would be worse, though that is no excuse for paying just above the minimum. Thankfully the minimum wage is due to go up to £4.75p per hour in October.

We should be proud of our NHS, and its employees. It is one of the best and cheapest healthcare services in the world, despite most of our media representing it as a monument to mismanagement.

JANE LEWIS, Tottington.