ONCE again, democracy under attack.

It is little wonder that the residents of the Redearth area of Darwen are so angry when the council arbitrarily decides to demolish their houses to make way for an academy.

We are puzzled that suddenly nearly all are declared not to meet government decency standards.

The area has some nice compact houses, so why not spend a few pounds refurbishing them? No it seems the council has this grand plan of superstar status for the borough no matter who gets in the way.

It's a stupid place to even think of putting an academy, away from transport links, just to think of all those cars going into that area it will be a nightmare. Pity those left, who have to cope.

Why not use the area around Moorland or better still the derelict land upon which stood the gas works. Or even better why not a building already there; the Tech on Union Street?

Is this another PFI (pay for infinity) plan and who then gets the benefit? Bet it is not Darweners.

There is still time to change the plan, why not turn the area into a co-operative, where an action group gets funding to modernise the properties should they need it and get the people of the area to run it, do some of the work themselves and manage it. Now that's democracy.

GRAHAM A CARTER, Darwen Green Party, Kingsway, Lower Darwen.