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The borough's dialects will become part of a unique "oral tapestry" which aims to record the differences in speech between communities across the country.

The project Whispers of Britain is the brainchild of the Paines Plough Theatre Group who will be sending a team of storytelling and drama experts to the borough to work with three groups taking part -- The Over 50s Forum, Hindley Community High School and Shakerley Community Partnership.

Director, Hamish Pirie, said the scheme aims to create a census of the English language through story. It is changing so rapidly it is felt there is a need to investigate and chart its journey at this point.

He said: "We have taken the format of a traditional journey-based folk story "The Numbskull's Errand" which is rooted in history and each locality has its own naturally evolved version."

The group contacted Wigan Council's arts development officer, Vicky Sellers, who is co-ordinating involvement and she will be developing further opportunities for the groups to perform and showcase their work at festivals throughout the year.

She said: 'It's a fantastic opportunity for everyone involved to see their work not just performed nationally but become part of the nation's history."

Wigan is the only borough in Greater Manchester chosen to take part.

The council's Network Co-ordinator for Older People, Helen Coffey, said: "The idea is that the tale begins in one part of the country and is then taken up by the next community and so on. We will be working on both writing and performing our own part in the tale."

Once completed Whispers of Britain will be scripted and recorded to form a permanent historical document.