SCENES showing loud and angry protesters at Westminster, fighting police who struggle to control them with their batons, as several pro hunters who broke through the barriers are hotly pursued by sword clad officials through the inner chamber of the House of Commons.

These protesters were fuelled by anger at the bill to ban fox hunting.

Supporters of the ban claim fox hunting is cruel because foxes are torn in pieces by dogs, and as a sport it is inhuman and believe foxes have the full protection of the law.

Some 800 unborn babies are dismembered alive by powerful suction devices and surgical instruments, or burned alive in their mothers womb in clean mordern clincs every day without anaesthesia.

This is abortion in the UK which has the full support of parliamentary law.

Members of Parliament vote to outlaw fox hunting because it is cruel to foxes yet consistently support the laws on abortion.

Foxes can run.

Mary T Lavelle,
