I'M writing to you about your article "Not Posh Enough For Our Councillors" (LET, September 22).

I think its a bit much that they can get their allowance doubled for staying in a four-star hotel as they say they can't find somewhere suitable for £90 a night, but then the LET found a number of hotels under the original £90 a night.

They don't just get £180 accommodation allowance, they also get extra for meals and travel expenses.

They say people should remember that the council had the equivalent turnover of £300million a year.

Would they not be better trying to find ways to keep our council tax down as low as possible, instead of spending taxpayers' money either on car park passes or putting up their allowances?

I hope the people will remember all this the next time we have council elections and put some people that care about people, not about themselves and what they can get out of it.

A D GORDON (Mr), Brighton Terrace, Darwen.