YOUR correspondent P. Kaiserman (Letters, September 10), who apparently supports the Labour Government's attempts to hound BNP members out of a growing list of professions is, I am afraid, expounding exactly the sort of intolerant fascism he claims to oppose.

Freedom of expression is the ancient birthright of all British people, not just those people whose views the Government - or indeed your correspondent - happens to find appealing.

By seeking to intimidate BNP members and suppress their right to free speech, the Labour Government is actually paying a huge compliment to the BNP.

These Soviet-style witch-hunts and bans demonstrate the Government's panicky fear of the electoral appeal of the BNP's call for an end to disastrous mass immigration, opposition to militant Islam, independence from the EU and putting the welfare of British people first.

If BNP supporters are really all just mindless thugs, as the Labour Government likes to pretend, why is it so terrified of them being heard?