OVER the last few weeks, I have watched with intrigue the snowball effect of the public's reaction to the proposed changes to women's and children's services at Fairfield Hospital.

The work being carried out by the Fairfield Baby Lifeline Charity, and the staff of the special care baby unit (SCBU), is to be commended. I sit back with embarrassment as these people stand up and fight for what they believe in.

I am a paediatric nurse in the children's unit at Fairfield Hospital. My colleagues and I know only too well that the proposal to get rid of overnight in-patient paediatric care at Fairfield is ridiculous and unrealistic. However, our freedom to express our opinions has been stifled by suggestions about the threat of registration from our nursing managers.

I would like to inform the public of Bury, Fairfield Baby Lifeline, and our managers that we do NOT support these proposals! However, we feel forced to remain silent because of verbal threats about registration, jobs and professionalism.

I regularly work nights on the unit and can inform the people of Bury that in-patient care is vital, as the number of children admitted to the unit can double if not triple overnight. Nursing managers are well aware of this, so why should staff be afraid to speak the truth and fight for their much-loved and professionally-run unit?

The closure of the children's medical emergency department was the thin end of the wedge for children's services. If these proposals go forward, the loss of maternity, SCBU and children's ward will only be the start. What will be next, A&E?

We must not let these services disappear without a fight. I appeal to the children's unit; let's take our example from the staff of the SCBU. We are acting in the interests of the children and families of Bury. Where, in our Code of Nursing Conduct, does it say that is unprofessional?