MARCH is the month for spring cleaning.

It's the kind of thing you love or hate, and like me the Rev Jan Harney falls into the latter category. She was once bought a sign "An immaculate house is the sign of a wasted life" while I had one in my office which read "an untidy desk is the sign of a busy mind" - or something similar.

Where we differ is that Jan, assistant curate at Pennington Parish Church, enjoys a good clear out while I, I am afraid, am an hoarder.

Writing in the March magazine Jan says minimalism is a growing trend and most TV makeover programmes preach about decluttering our lives in some form. Lent is a perfect time to start spring cleaning lives in preparation for Easter, and Jesus is much more effective at this than Mr Muscle could ever be.

Her amusing article finishes with the thought that blitzing your house is optional, cleaning up your life is crucial.

Funny that both activities are done on the knees.