AT a recent Radcliffe Area Board meeting, I asked Inspector Steve Clark if it was still against the law to cycle on footpaths, which is now common practice.

His response was to confirm that it is still illegal; but he asked if I wanted the police to continue driving down burglary figures or pursue these other offenders.

Surely, if someone is breaking the law they should be apprehended. If the only way we can "drive down" crime figures is to turn a "blind eye" then clearly the police must be understaffed.

Therefore, in response to J. B. Mason (Letters, March 8) I can understand why the Conservative Party has invited voters to petition for an increase in the number of police and, as a council tax-payer, I sympathise with anyone who opposes council tax increases.

Whilst I agree with Mr Mason that this may appear "stupid, or the Tory right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing", as an Independent I am not surprised at what any of the political parties do, particularly with an election imminent.

After all, hasn't this dreadful council attacked the Re:d Centre with a view to saving £250,000, yet at the same time promoted the head of social services and increased her salary to £92,000 p.a?