A TEENAGER who was slashed across the neck by a knifeman as he closed his family's off-licence today revealed: "I could have died."

Khayam Raja, 16, was locking up the shop in Bury Road, Haslingden, with his brother Khuram when he was pounced on and stabbed.

The shocked brothers, who live in Nelson, chased the attacker along Park Street before losing sight of him.

Khayam was rushed to Fairfield Hospital in Bury where medics used stiches to treat the three-inch wound.

Kayam added: "The doctors told me I've been very lucky. It was a big knife, probably seven inches long, and if the cut had been any deeper then it would have severed a vital artery. Thankfully I am on the mend now."

Khuram, 20, who helps run his parents' Mohammed and Shaheen's store, said: "I was locking up and then saw this man with a knife plunge towards my brother. He shouted "he stabbed me" and we both tried to chase him as he fled.

"There was no reason for this. My brother's never been in trouble, but it seemed like this man had been waiting because he knew the time we were due to lock up.

"I urge anybody who saw anything suspicious to contact the police and help them find this dangerous person."

The incident happened outside Sanavis Off-Licence on Monday at around 10.30pm.

Det Sgt Marie Jackson said: "This was a totally unprovoked attack. Fortunately the boy's injuries were not serious.

"We'd like to reassure people this was an isolated incident. We are conducting inquiries to try and catch the offender."

The male offender is described as Asian, 5ft 9ins tall, between 15 and 16, skinny and wearing a blue hooded top, black scarf and black pants.

Call police on 01706 237440 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.