A MUM suffering from a broken leg is at loggerheads with United Utilities after she claimed her water supply has been unusable for nearly a month.

Workers began repairs on underground pipes near to Mrs Janice McCardell's home in Stand Rise, Radcliffe, in mid-March, but when they turned the supply back on the water did not flow, leaving her high and dry for five days.

And things got worse on March 19 when she was finally reconnected to a neighbour's water supply - the pressure was so great it burst a pipe, leaving her home flooded for more than two days and ruining her kitchen.

Although the supply has now been restored, Mrs McCardell (40) said she is still finding coloured particles in the water.

Speaking about the flooding, she said: "I couldn't believe it. For two nights I didn't sleep because I was constantly mopping up the water. It's damaged the cushioned floor, and I've been told it will cost £400 to replace. I will have to rip it up and leave the floor bare to let it dry."

She said she made a number of telephone calls to the United Utilities 24-hour emergency line, but was told that no-one would be able to come out to stop the leak. She cleaned up the water as best she could but was left with the wrecked kitchen floor.

The situation took a turn for the worse on Easter Monday when Mrs McCardell broke her leg in a fall.

Luckily, her daughter Natalie (17) was at home from college for Easter and was able to help her mum continue cleaning up the flood damage.

The pair were also offered bottled water by the company while the supply remained turned off.

Mrs McCardell said: "United Utilities came out to fix the pipe last week but it took them four hours and when they had finished, I was left with black and green particles floating in the water.

"I have since been told it is safe to drink but I am sure the people from United Utilities wouldn't want to drink a cup of tea with black bits floating in it."

She added: "I have been told I will be compensated for the damage, but I am still waiting for the cheque. I have lived here for seven years and although the pressure of the water has never been brilliant, I have never had a problem like this."

A spokesman for United Utilities said the final tests carried out by them showed that there is nothing wrong with the water.

He said: "We are very sorry about the problems our customer has been experiencing. We are looking into why her call was not dealt with much faster.

"We went to see Mrs McCardell after she complained about the quality of the water and were absolutely confident that the water coming out of the taps when we visited was safe to drink.

"We offered to supply her with bottles of drinking water if she was still not happy using water from the tap.

"The work to replace old water mains in Radcliffe may have been responsible for any discolouration at an earlier time. Unfortunately, this can happen when essential work is being carried out.

"Mrs McCardell should now have received a cheque to compensate her for the damage to her kitchen. We have also visited her again to make sure she has no other worries."