AS BRITAIN prepares itself for the General Election on May 5, the resignation of Winston Churchill 50 years ago was causing ructions within the Cabinet of the day.

With the appointment of Anthony Eden on Tuesday, April 5, 1955, a General Election was expected to take place on May 26 and the Conservative and Labour machinery was gearing up ready for action.

The nearness of the election brought a decision from Sir Walter Fletcher, Member of Parliament for Bury and Radcliffe, who opted not to seek re-election.

Mr Claude Bidgood (41) was nominated for adoption as the prospective candidate.

As Sir Walter was leaving Hammersmith Hospital in London, where he had been receiving specialist treatment for a heart complaint, it was agreed that he would step down.

A former RAF pilot, Mr Bidgood was chosen by an overall majority of the Bury and Radcliffe Conservative Party.

He was officially adopted as a prospective candidate at a party meeting on Monday, April 18, 1955.