A FLORIST in Leigh was left terrified when she was threatened with a knife during an armed robbery at the shop on Monday.

The woman was alone in Jacaranda Designer Florist, Warrington Road at 4.55pm when two men burst into the shop and demanded cash.

The florist was threatened with a breadknife and the two men escaped with a quantity of cash.

The first man who wielded the breadknife is described as 5' 6", aged 30, stocky, with a big nose and pointy chin. He wore a bob cap, dark jacket and jeans.

The second man is described as 5' 10", and had a receding hairline. He wore a dark coloured cap, blue jacket and jeans.

Anyone with information should contact police on 0161 856 7046 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.