A MAN who cruised Britain's canals in the narrow boat he built himself, has died unexpectedly at the age of 77.

Frederick Keith Thornton previously lived in Bolton Street, Radcliffe, but sold his home in the 1980s and moved in with his son Graham and his family, in Outwood Road, Radcliffe.

From there, he hand-built a narrow boat to realise his lifetime's ambition to cruise around Britain with his Jack Russell, Becky.

The retired bricklayer died on his boat last Thursday. He is thought to have died in his sleep as it was moored at Spring Wood in Adlington, on the Leeds-Liverpool Canal.

He leaves behind two sons, Graham and Stephen, daughters-in-law, Gillian and Alison, five grandchildren and a great-grandson.

Mr Thornton built his boat, Christina, named after his mother, in the back yard and finally launched the boat at Chorley on the Leeds-Liverpool Canal on April 1, 1991.

A number of years were spent sailing around the canal networks of the country, and family members would often join the sail for summer holidays.

It was only two years ago that Mr Thornton gave up travelling on the narrow boat, and moored up full time, after his failing health meant the locks were becoming hard work for him.

The decision to build his own narrow boat came after Mr Thornton decided to buy one, but was put off by the high prices.

He was helped by his five grandchildren, Nicola, Leanne, Craig, Karl and Hayley, and son Graham assisted with the electrical and mechanical work.

The grandchildren, who are all now adults, plan to stay on the boat during their holidays.

The funeral arrangements are yet to be finalised, but the family have planned to hold the cremation at Overdale Crematorium in Bolton early next week .