From the Guide files of Friday 13th June, 1980: A POLICEMAN passing Heaton Park Working men's Club in Bury Old Road in the early hours of one morning spotted smoke coming from the building and almost certainly saved it from being completely destroyed by fire.

Damage to the bar and games room still ran into several thousand pounds. Firefighters said the blaze could have been caused by burning cigarette ends which had been thrown into a plastic container.

l THE 25th St. Bernadette's Cubs group won the Prestwich and Whitefield District Cub Sports event, beating second-placed 23rd Stand All Saints by 38 points to 34. The award for the event, in which 13 Cub packs took part, was presented by the District Commissioner John Fogg.

l OWNERS of cars and lorries in Whitefield and Unsworth were warned to keep their vehicles secure and as far as possible in sight at all times, as an arsonist struck for the tenth time. The offender caused thousands of pounds' worth of damage to vehicles in the area.

l A FEW lively disagreements were caused amongst members of the Eccles and Prestwich Co-operative Camera Club over the correct definition of the word roundabout', the subject of the week's photography competition. After much deliberation the first prize for a print went to Len Hannah's photo of a fairground carousel at night, and club chairman Ted Hutt won first for his colour slide of a close-up on a whip' ride at a funfair.

l AT about 15p a week, Scouting is "damn good value for money", declared Mr Roy Taylor, secretary of the Greater Manchester North Scout Council. He was speaking at their annual meeting held at the Longfield Suite, Prestwich, in front of around 200 delegates.