THE following information will, I feel, interest Mr Jim Homewood (Letters, June 14) on referendums on the EU Constitution.

A recent survey by the mass selling German daily newspaper Bild Zeitung reveals that, given the chance, more than 90 per cent of Germans would vote against the EU Constitution.

German president Horst Kohler has said that he will not sign the bill allowing for the enabling of the EU Constitution into German law until Germany's highest court has ruled on a complaint by German MP Peter Guaweiler.

This means that ratification by the EU's largest member is likely to be delayed for months as the court deliberates its decision.

Herr Guaweiler rightly claims that the German parliament cannot give more rights to the EU than it has itself and is arguing that the EU Constitution should be put to a referendum in Germany.

German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has been among those consistently calling for ratification to continue in other member states despite the fabulous French and Dutch rejection just over two weeks ago.

The Chancellor typifies the classic EU political elite unable to understand 'NO' in any language.

So take heart Jim, it appears that there are at least two honourable politicians in Germany and maybe, just maybe, we could witness an outbreak of honour in our own politicians by displaying their support for democracy and we will have our referendum.

Val Cowell

Poulton le Fylde
