SARAH Pek is to travel to the Orient to be taught an ancient martial art by one of China's top Tai Chi masters.

She will be practising the Tai Chi with Master Liu Yong, one of the country's most acclaimed teachers.

Sarah, aged 17, said: "I am very excited about the visit, but I am also very nervous. It is a opportunity to improve my skills and see a different country."

The Leigh College student applied to travel to China after seeing an advertisement at the Han Shan Centre on Elliott Street, Tyldesley, where she has been practising Tai Chi for the past three years.

Sarah was introduced to the sport by her father Leslie, who is also a keen martial arts fan.

"My friends think I am crazy," said Sarah, who lives in Astley, "But I really enjoy it. It is relaxing and also a form of self-defence. I have paid £1,500 for this trip."

The visit to China at the start of next month will take Sarah to Shanghai where, with other Tai Chi followers, she will meet Master Liu Yong and take part in festivals demonstrating the art.

Tai Chi is very popular in China where thousands of people of all ages can be seen practising the slow motion martial arts in open spaces and parks throughout the country.

Sarah, who is also a guide leader with the 2nd Tyldesley Guides, is hoping the extra training will give her the edge over fellow Tai Chi followers.

"Last year I won second place at Euro Wirral, which is a martial arts competition, and I am hoping this might win me first place," said Sarah, who every Friday evening leads a Tai Chi class at St Stephen's Church in Astley.

"What I learn in China will also help my students, who range in age from eight to 80-years-old!"

Sarah's ultimate goal is to compete in the Tai Chi event in the Olympics.

"I would love to take part in a few years time," she said.