TOUGH action against drunken hooligans has the backing of Leigh MP Andy Burnham.

Mr Burnham has welcomed the new Violent Crime Reduction Bill, which contains tough action to deal with the issue of binge drinking, including a power for police to impose a 48 hour ban on pubs and bars that sell alcohol irresponsibly.

He said: "We all read stories in the local media that have highlighted crimes committed by drunken thugs. These stories underline the fact that dealing with drunken disorder is a vital concern for residents of the Leigh area.

"At the election I pledged to support recruiting extra police Community Support officers so that every community in the area can have its own neighbourhood policing team. These officers will be part of the frontline in the battle against drunken disorder.

"Now we need to give police the powers they need so that our communities are safe from the menace of drunken disorder. That's why I welcome the Governments publication of the Violent Crime Reduction Bill, which contains new measures to tackle binge drinking and the irresponsible sale of alcohol.

"The Violent Crime Reduction Bill contains strong new powers to deal with drunken criminals and to ensure that Pubs and Bars sell alcohol responsibly."