HEARTBROKEN Burnley footballer Alex MacDonald has spoken of his devastation following the sudden death of his 40-year-old mother.

The 19-year-old described former air stewardess Janette Fackrell as a "fun-loving people person" who was his number one fan.

His loss has made the attacking midfielder even more determined to fulfill their shared dream of playing regularly for club and country.

But first he wants to find out how and why his mum died.

Mrs Fackrell, who lives in South Wales, had suffered from a mystery illness for the past five years but her condition began to deteriorate 12 months ago.

Despite numerous visits to doctors the problem was never diagnosed, while a post mortem following her death from a seizure on Friday, her second in less than 24 hours, was inconclusive.

Vital organs will now be sent away for further analysis, leaving Alex and his family, including brother Chris, 23, and step-dad Mike, to endure an agonising 12-week wait before discovering the cause of his mum's death.

"She was rushed to the Royal Glamorgan hospital the night before she died after having a seizure," the Scotland Under 19 international said.

"They did some tests and then discharged her.

"She rang me on her way home, and that was the last time I spoke to her.

"She had another seizure on Friday afternoon and they couldn't bring her back.

"It's still a mystery to all of us but we are determined to solve it. Hopefully we will get some answers because it's heartbreaking not knowing why she died."

Alex, who is recovering from a double hernia operation, said he had received tremendous support from everyone at Burnley Football Club but admitted: "Inside I feel lost.

"I am trying to carry on my life as normal, trying to put a brave face on around the lads.

"They are a great bunch at Burnley and they have been there for me, asking how I am.

"Clarke Carlisle was on the phone to me on Saturday morning when he found out. He was magnificent.

"I spoke to the manager on Saturday as well and he was first class. He said whatever I need they would give me. I have the support of everyone at the club.

"I haven't missed a day's training. I'm trying to do as much as I can, especially coming back from injury."

Chester-born Alex, who progressed through the Turf Moor youth ranks to sign a professional contract in 2008 after being named Youth Team Player of the Year, added that his mum would continue to inspire his career.

"My mum always wanted me to be the best I could be. It doesn't get any better than playing in the Premier League, and hopefully some day I will fulfill that dream for myself and for my mum," he said.

"When I signed my first professional contract she was over the moon, crying down the phone. She was ecstatic. So proud.

"She became a Burnley fan through and through.

"Another dream of my mum's was for me to play for Scotland, and it's mine too as both sets of my grandparents are Scottish.

"What's happened is an encouragement for me to try to go as far as I can and do as well as I can because I know she will always be looking down on me."