A MAN who pushed the mother of his child in the face in a row was fined £50 by Burnley magistrates.

The court was told how jobless James Christopher Cadwick, 20, would say his actions were in response to hurtful and spiteful comments which she knew would upset him.

Cadwick, of Venice Avenue, Burnley, admitted assault by beating. He must also pay £50 compensation.

The court was told Cadwick had previously completed a Controlloing Anger and Learning to Manage it programme, was on supervision until 2010, and was due to start a probation programme.

Dylan Bradshaw, defending, said Cadwick had been staying with the victim a few days, but they did not plan to get back together.

There were raised voices and during the course of an argument he pushed her in the face. She had made hurtful comments which she knew would "push the button" and upset him.