TAXI customers in an East Lancs borough could be looking at a fare drops for a ride home after a night out.

Councillors in the Ribble Valley are set to debate a possible cut in the night-time rates for Hackney carriages.

But at an annual taxis meeting, trade representatives expressed concerns over the fares to be levied after midnight or on special occasions such as Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, agreed in 2022.

Members of the borough's licensing committee have been told customers had raised gripes about the 50 per cent hike in prices on such occcasions.

Borough solicitor Stephen Barker said in a committee report that "they (drivers) considered that £6.75 for the first mile and £1.05 for each fifth of a mile thereafter was too high.

"These figures were calculated on the basis of the standard day rate plus an uplift of 50 per cent, which was the same formula as had applied from 2006 to 2022.

"The representatives requested consideration be given to reduction of the uplift, although they did not indicate what level of uplift they considered to be reasonable."

Licensing officials have gauged Ribble Valley's rates against other north-west authorities and found their pricing structures varied - though the likes of Rossendale, Lancaster and North Yorkshire had imposed similar 50 per cent uplifts.

Others who have lesser hikes tended to charge between 20 to 33 per cent more, said Mr Barker's report.

"The issue which has to be considered is the concern expressed by customers to Hackney carriage drivers. The Hackney carriage representatives requested that the uplift be reviewed due to this customer concern," he added.

The committee will meet on Wednesday to debate any possible changes.

If new fares were agreed they would need to be advertised first to consider any possible objections.