The head of a Blackburn primary school says he is “thrilled” with the “deserved” outcome of their Ofsted inspection.

St Francis CE Primary School on Cherry Tree Lane achieved a good rating in four areas while also being marked outstanding in personal development.

This comes after an inspection in January 2020 rated the school as requires Improvement overall, with good scores in behaviour and attitudes, and early years provision.

Head teacher James Kewley was delighted with the school’s improvement and praised other staff members for the part they played.

He said: “We are thrilled with the outcome of our most recent Ofsted inspection. I truly believe that this outcome was deserved for our school community as everyone has played their part. 

“#TeamStFrancis have worked incredibly hard to ensure best standards are reached, not because of an Ofsted framework, but because we want our community to live life in all its fullness, in keeping with our school vision.

“We focus on the ‘whole’ child so we were delighted that we received ‘outstanding’ for personal development.

“The comment that made me feel most proud was when one of the inspectors stated that our school has a very special feel about it.”

Inspectors noted that pupils love learning at the school and engage well in lessons. They know and follow all the school rules and meet the expectations set of their behaviour.

It also noted that leaders have designed a curriculum that revolves around the school community and the learning needs of pupils.

The report said: “Leaders have ensured that pupils’ personal development is exceptional. Pupils learn a great deal about diversity. They talked passionately and with maturity about different families, faiths, and cultures.

“Leaders prioritise pupils’ safety and welfare. They provide regular training to ensure that staff are alert to any signs that a pupil may be at risk of harm.”

Nicola Duffy, chair of governors, added: “The governing board at St Francis CE School are extremely proud of Mr Kewley and his staff team who have worked relentlessly and passionately over the last three years to ensure that our School got the recognition it deserves and we are overjoyed with the judgements across all areas of the July 2023 Ofsted inspection. 

“The school has been a shining example of how strong leadership, vision and research led teaching improves outcomes for our children, which is at the heart of everything the school does.”