A “safe” and “friendly” primary school has retained its ‘good’ rating following its latest Ofsted inspection.

Worsthorne Primary School in Brownside Road, Worsthorne, near Burnley, received a ‘good’ rating following their inspection on June 13 and 14, retaining the same grade they received in 2013.

Inspectors noted the behaviour and attitudes of pupils at the school, which received an ‘outstanding’ rating to go along with ‘good’ ratings in all other areas.

The report said: “Pupils feel safe and enjoy learning at Worsthorne Primary School. They said that they trust staff to listen to them.

"Pupils told inspectors that if they feel sad, they always have an adult to go to. Many parents said this is a friendly school the community is proud of.

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“Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary. They have extremely positive relationships with staff. Leaders ensure that pupils’ behaviour supports them to learn well. Pupils listen intently during lessons.

“Leaders ensure that pupils are respectful. Discrimination of any kind is never tolerated. Staff help pupils to restore their friendships when there are occasional instances of falling out.

"Pupils understand what bullying is. When bullying happens, staff deal with it quickly and effectively.

“Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) appreciate all aspects of school life, including the clubs and visits they are offered.”

Inspectors recognised the “broad and ambitious” curriculum designed by school leaders from the early years right through to Year 6.

There have also been engaging experiences had by pupils to enhance their academic learning, such as visiting the Forest Education Area where they climb and make toast by the fire.

The report continued: “In most subjects, leaders have thought carefully about the knowledge and vocabulary that pupils already know and understand. In these subjects, leaders have a clear idea about the essential knowledge they want pupils to learn next.

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“In a few subjects, the organisation of knowledge is less clear. Added to this, in these subjects, sometimes teachers do not design suitable learning for pupils. On occasion, this hinders how well pupils develop a rich body of subject knowledge.”

Safeguarding arrangements at the school were deemed to be effective, with leaders ensuring a strong culture of safeguarding.

Members of the pastoral team are available to offer a listening ear to all pupils and, when needed, they refer families to specialist support and external agencies.