A teenager who has become a 'best-selling' author within the first month of his book being out has donated hundreds of thousands of pounds to autism charities.

Charlie Baker, 16, wrote ‘Charlie Baker: Autism and Me’ to speak about his struggles of what it’s like to live with autism and share his coping mechanisms.

He says he was bullied for being different since he was five-years-old and didn’t receive an official autism diagnosis until he was 11.

The author and social media influencer sold more than 12,000 copies in one month, and has given away more than £200,000 from sales to continue helping others.

Charlie, from Leyland, said: “It’s absolutely crazy because becoming a best-selling author is something people dream of.

"When I was writing this book, I wasn’t expecting anything from it, just a few sales.

"But it skyrocketed and did better than I could have dreamed – the reviews speak for themselves.”

One reader reached out to Charlie after reading his book, sharing that it stopped him from taking his own life.

Charlie said: “That moved me tears. The fact that he was thinking about taking his own life but my book managed to help him so much.

"My team and I get hundreds of messages daily but that was one that really stuck with me.

“One man bought my book for his kids and he told me it really helped them which is what I set out to do with my books. And writing is my relief, it’s my therapy.

“I sit there in my room, in the dark, listening to Mozart and write for hours on end about what I’m feeling and that’s my outlet.”

Readers have praised the book for portraying autism realistically and not falling into “outdated” tropes that perpetuate the stigma attached to the condition.

One woman called Louisa said: “Charlie shows the reality of having autism and how social media presents it.

"As someone who struggles with ADHD and know others who struggle with it, his really helps remind us of our worth.

“This book allows people’s perception to change, helping break the stereotypes attached.

"Charlie also allows his book to remind people, who not only relate to neurodiversity, but to everyone, that we are still the same as everybody else.”

Charlie said Vanessa Feltz and Blackpool's Christine McGuinness, who he was inspired by, have also reached out to Charlie on Instagram to congratulate him for his positive work.

The book is available to purchase from online publishing company, Lulu Press, and on Charlie’s website, charliembaker.com.