It's not very often that you come across a shop worker who seems overjoyed to be at work.

In fact quite often the opposite is true and I should know - I worked at a major retailer, who shall remain nameless, for five years! Sometimes you get the impression that your presence in their shop is inconvenient and unwelcome.

I know of course that this is not true of all shop workers and there are many friendly and helpful assistants out there.

I would however like to make mention of one shop worker who has impressed me enough to warrant me writng something about it.

The assistant in question works at the 'Sound as a Pound' shop on Railway Road. It opened a couple of months back and when it did, I felt a little sad. Many of the retailers in Blackburn have been replaced with pound shops and I began to wonder just how many the town needs.

Anyway, myself and my colleagues went in during our lunch break today and were greeted by the counter assistant, a man who I'd reckon is in his mid-to-late twenties.

He offered a basket for our convenience and then joked and chatted with us like we'd been mates for years. There was nothing particularly spectacular about what he said, but his manner and attitude are exactly what you want from a retailer.

We felt like we were the only customers, that us being there had made his day, and his attention belonged to us.

I only bought a couple of pairs of socks, but he responded in such a way that you would have thought we'd just planted a gold bar on his counter!

I commented on leaving the shop "that man's in the wrong job", as he showed us more interest and enthusiasm than you would expect in somewhere like Harrods.

So, you are to be commended Sir, for your quality service and for proving that manners do still exist!

Does anyone else have a story of an exceptional shop keeper/worker? Give them the praise they deserve and get in touch to make your own contribution - 01254 298395 or email