On Monday the 18th Darwen Local History Society was host to Norman Redhead, the County Archaeologist from Manchester University when he gave his presentation on Community Digs'.

Although only a fraction of those who were invited turned up for the event, but the evening was well received by an enthusiastic audience of around 30, which included Councillors, DLHS members, Civic Society members and visitors.

The evening was an introduction those wishing to become involved in Darwen's own community event Dig Darwen' planned for 2009.

Mr Redhead presented to the group his own experiences of being involved in Community Archaeology at various places across Lancashire which include the Mellor dig, this later evolved into the Mellor Archaeological Trust and gives a taster of what Dig Darwen' can achieve, with the right support.

The talk also highlighted the importance of archaeological digs and what they could offer communities and use it, as a way of bringing together people that would not consider archaeology as something that would be of interest to them.

Manchester University did this by incorporating all sorts of other activities not normally associated with archaeology and ranged from painting, sketching and various craft activities. Recording the events by using photography, oral recordings and other media.

Teaching people how to research areas and buildings, families and objects, all of which have been used by the Manchester Team to expand on what was once thought of as an elite field.

Norman Redhead's experience in community digs was clearly a positive one, Darwen and its residents now have an opportunity to become involved in creating something positive for the town as well as adding to it history.

Dig Darwen will be taking place within Sunnyhurst woods, one of Darwen's beauty spots, on the former bowling green at the lower end of the wood.

If anyone is interested in becoming involved in the Dig Darwen' or would like more information on archaeology or local history please log onto.

www.darwenlocalhistorysociety.co.uk We would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who attended the meeting and also thank our supporters.