YOBS have been ripping down elderly residents' drainpipes - and using them to sling mud at people's homes.

Police have pledged that the "unacceptable behaviour will not be tolerated".

They said that the majority of drainpipes had been stolen from elderly people's homes in the Brunshaw area of Burnley.

Now officers are to mark a number of drain pipes in the area with anti-vandal paint in a bid to identify those responsible.

Mr Lundie, of Brunshaw, said it was not the only problem they were having with young yobs.

He said: "Youths in the area appear to be targeting the elderly with stupid pranks from moving wheelie bins, placing milk bottles on door handles and not only removing drainpipes from the properties but then using them to throw mud all over the houses.

"This has happened twice now - first in the summer and again this month.

"We returned from holiday and hadn't realised the drainpipe had been removed until the washing machine had been on and flooded the kitchen which has now ruined the wooden floor."

Police Community Support Officer Emma Harrison said the yobs were risking arrest and fines of up to £80.

She said: "This sort of behaviour is not only anti-social but can also have criminal consequences.

"These acts of criminal damage are not only causing distress to residents but also a great deal of expense."

Police Constable Janet Cowley added: "We will be taking action against those youths who continue to cause anti-social behaviour and criminal damage in the Brunshaw area. This sort of behaviour is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.

"We will be talking to the affected residents and marking drain pipes with anti-vandal paint to stop this from occurring. The markings will also help identify the youths responsible as the paint will remain on their clothing."

Anyone with information should call PC Cowley on 07903 978915 or PCSO Harrison on 07984 316852 or e-mail them at Janet.Cowley@lancashire.pnn.police.uk or Emma.Harrison@lancashire.pnn.police.uk.