A 60-year-old man and 25-year-old woman have been found strangled at a house.

The bodies of Alan Murphy and Sobia Hussain were discovered by relatives at his home in Rakeshouse Road, Nelson.

Police have launched an investigation, but said they were not looking for anyone else in connection with the deaths.

Post-mortem examinations completed today showed that both died from strangulation caused by a ligature around their necks.

Detectives are preparing a file for a coroner to hold an inquest to determine what happened.

One of the police's key lines of inquiry for the coroner will be the relationship between Mr Murphy and Ms Hussain.

They have appealed for any friends or acquaintances of the pair to come forward and shed light on how well they knew each other.

Further forensic tests are also being carried out in a bid to discover exactly when Mr Murphy and Sobia Hussain died.

However police believe they died separately.

He was found on a staircase, while she was in a downstairs room, according to police.

Family members found them at 1pm on Wednesday.

Police forensic investigators today conducted an investigation of the scene at the two-storey terraced house.

The deaths have left residents stunned.

David Marshall, 64, of Rakeshouse Road, said. "It's absolutely shocking.

"I didn't really know the bloke who lived there.

"The only reason I knew him was he had the same car as me.

"I have lived here for over 30 years and nothing happened like this."

Resident Theresa Bracewell said: "We are all very shocked about it.

"I saw the police on Tuesday morning and they asked me if I knew anything about him.

"He lives with a girl and she has a little boy."

Laura McDonald, 23, of Rook Street, whose mother lives four hours down in Rakeshouse Road, said: "I have not seen his gold Fiat Cinquecento which is normally parked outside his house.

"I walk past the house quite a bit and he normally parks it there."

Mike Rikard, 48, of Rakeshouse Road, who lives three doors down from the house, said he knew Mr Murphy.

He said: "He was never one of those people that everyone knew.

"He kept himself to himself. I did occasionally say hi to him."

A neighbour who lives opposite the house said: "I only knew them to see them outside.

"I have seen an Asian woman come out of the house.

"She was about 25 years old. She had a four-year-old boy she would sometimes bring into the house and I am really shocked about it.

"Nothing like this has ever happened before around here."

Another neighbour, who also declined to give their name, said: "I knew his mum.

"She died just before Christmas. His dad died four years ago and he looked after his mum.

"She was in hospital quite a lot before she died.

"They always kept themselves to themselves.

"They were a reserved family that didn't poke their nose into anyone else's business.

"It's really sad and quite upsetting that it has happened. "

Detective Superintendent Graham Herrmann, who is leading the inquiry, said they were not looking for anyone else in connection with the deaths.

He said: "We have launched an investigation and inquiries are continuing to try and establish the circumstances.

"We are in the early stages of the investigation and we are keeping an open mind about what may have happened and our thoughts are with the families of the two deceased.

"We are looking into their relationship. It would appear they knew each other.

"They would at this stage both appear to have died from strangulation from some form of ligature.

"The forensic evidence so far would suggest that they did not die together, but until we have completed forensic tests we will not know who died first."

Mr Herrmann said police would now continue further forensic inquiries and also investigate the couple's relationship.

He said officers did not yet know if they were from the same social circles, although he confirmed Mr Murphy was a father and Ms Hussain a mother.

He said: "One of the questions we would ask is that if anyone who knew them through their lifestyle or other connections should get in touch with us."

Call police on 01282 425001.