A MAN kicked and banged on a car stuck in traffic in Blackburn town centre before attacking the elderly driver.

Blackburn magistrates heard that Mark Palliser punched the 71-year-old motorist in the face when he got out to check what damage had been caused to his vehicle.

And the court heard that Rita and Horace Cooper were left severely distressed by the lunch-time incident.

"Mrs Cooper described this as a vicious, unprovoked attack which left them both very upset," said Catherine Allan, prosecuting.

"They were unable to drive home they were that traumatised."

Palliser, 39, formerly of Cherry Tree Lodge, Islington, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to assault and criminal damage.

He was remanded in custody for the preparation of a pre-sentence report.

Miss Allan said Mr and Mrs Cooper were in a queue of traffic in King Street on a November afternoon when they saw Palliser who appeared very aggressive.

He came to the rear of their car and started banging and kicking it.

Mr Cooper parked up nearby to assess the damage.

"As he parked Palliser ran up and started banging on the roof, raging and shouting abuse," said Miss Allan.

"Mr Cooper locked the doors and Palliser began butting the rear window."

Mr Cooper, described in court as a retired gentleman, got out of his car to remonstrate with Palliser who grabbed him by the jacket and then punched him.

"Mr Cooper pulled out his phone to ring the police but Palliser grabbed it off him and threw it on the floor," she said.

"The court will be concerned about this gratuitous violence against a motorist in the town centre in the middle of the day."

Rachel Adamson, defending, said that after pre-sentence reports had initially been ordered Palliser had become homeless and ended up sleeping rough in Blackpool and had lost touch with the probation service.